Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I'm a political news junkie and this year's primaries and conventions have kept me glued to the TV news channels. I've listened to BOTH the DNC and the RNC, even though I typically vote Republican. I think this election will be a tough and a hard fought race and either ticket that wins will be a historic moment. However, after hearing the civil forum answers from Saddleback Church, hosted by Rick Warren, I believe McCain will be the man of character, integrity, and leadership that this country has longed for. It's one thing to claim what you might do in difficult circumstances, but it's entirely a different story when you ACTUALLY make difficult choices, and McCain has done that. After hearing his running mate, Palin, speak at the RNC, I was completely convinced that this will be a team that can and will deliver results in Washington. Additionally, Obama's proposal of taxation for American's, if he is elected, would put most of us in a much worse economic position than ever before. Obama is purposing a 28% Capital Gains tax on ALL home sales, a 39.6% Dividend tax on ALL investment vehicles (mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement, IRA, stock market) Obama is purposing taxes on Inheritance, and higher payroll taxes for employers. New and higher gasoline and natural resource taxes. New taxes to pay for his socialized medicine plan. New taxes on homes more than 2400 square feet. The list goes on. His is purposing higher Taxes for anyone making over 50K per year. With all these taxes, how will any of us ever get ahead. I hope that all of you that read this blog will do your homework on what each candidate is purposing for our country over the next four years, and get to the polls and vote on November 4th. If your not registered, it's not to late. I believe it's one of the most important rights we can exercise in this country. Don't let the opportunity and freedom to vote pass you by. It will be another four years before you have a say again. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!