Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year Ava was pretty excited about going trick or treating. I think she now understands that she was going to get some candy. George's parents and our daughter Ashley came over for an early dinner, and then we all set out to trick or treat with the kids. We were grateful for the good weather as last year was very cold. Ava was a butterfly and the twins were matching caterpillars. Ava was very polite at each door and said Thank-you. It was good to spend time with family and to see our cute little bugs dressed up.

Update on the Twins and Ava

The twins and Ava are growing up so very fast and I wish I had a remote control so that I could slow down some of our days together. However, other days I would gladly fast forward or skip altogether. They are fast approaching their 9 month mark and Jovi now has two bottom teeth, with her top FOUR coming in at the same time. Nights with her have been a little rough due to her teething. Finn is now pulling himself up on things and has tried to even take a few steps. They both are crawling everywhere and are curious about other parts of the house. We have again been blessed with very good natured babies and they always seem to have a smile for us. Jovi is a giggler and more vocal than Finn. Finn is a charmer with his adoring eyes and gracious grin. Ava is still in her testing phase as seen in most 2 year olds. She can carry a conversation on for most of her waking hours and George and I have to chuckle sometimes how long winded she really can be. She is ALWAYS asking questions and make observations in the world around her. She can make us laugh until our belly hurts by her observations and/or questions and then other times she can be a trial on our patience. Ava is like a sponge that is absorbing so much information. She has learned her ABC's, Days of the Week, Colors and Shapes, Counting to ten, and lately she has attempted to write out letters with some success. She sings alot and even makes up her own songs. George and I are so thankful for these three sweet cherubs but also look forward to someday sleeping in past 7:00am.