Monday, December 29, 2008


I was reading Terri Curtis's Blog (link is located on this blog) about rethinking Christmas and watched some of the video clips and the comments about how we spend our time. I agree that time is one of our most precious resources. The richest rich and the poorest poor all have the same resource of "time." You cannot earn time, buy it, or save it for another day. However you can WASTE your time. We are all born with a certain amount of time on this earth and we do not have the ability to know if tomorrow is our last day or if we have another 20 years. Jesus died at the age of 33. I think about all the things I have wasted my time on and it seems overwhelming. I'm currently reading a book about raising children and the theme of time keeps reoccurring over and over. Your TIME is the best present you can give your children, your friends, and family. When I reflect about our Christmas this year, I will never remember what was bought and who got what. What I will remember is the TIME that was shared with people that matter. As we approach another new year, I hope that I can keep this in the forefront of my mind so that I can make good use of my time and share it with others. Have a safe and Happy New Year!!!

Christmas Day 2008

Christmas morning was special because we had breakfast together and then was able to spend some time with Ava and her new toys. It's fascinating to watch her learn new things and to see her excited face. Christmas afternoon was spent at George's Grandmother's house for a meal and more presents!!!

Saturday the 27th we had George's parents over for Christmas and we played some card games and of course had an evening meal together. Ava enjoyed more presents and wrapping paper and enjoyed being the center of attention for the day. We are certainly blessed!!!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve it is our family tradition to attend Christmas Eve church services, have a home cooked meal together, open a few presents, and play some games. This was Ava's first Christmas and she had a lot of fun with the wrapping paper and gift bags. She thought her new toys were cool, but not as much fun as the paper they came wrapped in. After she went to bed, George, Ashley and I watched the Jim Carey version of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" It was a peaceful and pleasant night to spend quality time with the people I love the most.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Captiva Island Vacation - Pictures

Captiva Island Vacation

We just got back from our vacation to Capitiva Island, Florida and this was Ava's first trip on a plane and her first vacation. If her behavior is any indication of how she will be on vacation, we will ALWAYS take her. She was SO good and SO happy the entire trip. She loved the on-site pool and she loved the beach and the Gulf waters. We stayed at a resort that was right along the Gulf of Mexico and the weather was wonderful. The weather and Ava was the two positive things on our trip, as the resort was disastrous! From the time we arrived, until the day we left, we had nothing but problems with our cottage's( yes, we tried two different cottages). It was mostly maintenance issues and staffing issues. There were too many things to list of what went wrong, but it almost became comical. Unfortunately George and I never really were able to unwind because of all the issues and it rather tainted our stay in Captiva. We were glad to come back home, but not glad to come back to the cold weather. I'm ready for another vacation!!!

Ava loves her toes! She can still reach them while in her stroller. George and I were laughing at how happy she was to get her toes in her mouth.
Ava did wonderful on her first plane trip! She slept on the flight down to Florida and on the flight back home. We were lucky to have the extra seat.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tips for Family Photos Shoots

Since George and I have learned the hard way in taking family photos without bad moods, sharp tongues, impatience, crying, etc. (I'm talking about the adults) I have put a list of items that may help others to make family pictures more enjoyable....unless you have already learned the hard way.

2. Plan ahead...pick date,time,place, and what everyone will be wearing ahead time to avoid arguements. Example: We are taking our family photos on Saturday here at 11:30 am and we all have something picked out to wear that coordinates with each other.
3. Eat something...Make sure everyone has ate something before the photo shoot. This avoids bad temperments and low blood sugar.
4. Put pets away....unless they are going to be in the picture. Animals tend to want to get in the way or distract little ones from looking at the camera.
5. Have all props thought out ahead of time and gathered before your photo shoot.
6. Get little children ready last and make sure they have a bib on until right before the picture is taken. Invariably, they will spit-up, spill, or soil, their nice new outfit. I recommend a Large plastic bib.
7. If little children are involved....Make sure the photo shoot is early in the day.
As the day goes on, children get tired and restless. Mornings are your friend in this case.
8. Take short breaks. This can help reduce a tense moment during the shoot.
9. Relax and Smile
10. Remember the best laid plans sometimes don't work out. If it's not going well and your not getting the photo's you want...Reschedule for another day and always remember rule number one!!!

Tradegy in Toronto

Every year George travels to Louisville for the RV Manufacturers show and this year brought sad news. George's dealer in Toronto is suffering the unthinkable!
His daughter was murdered on Saturday from multiple stab wounds and her husband and two of their sons (3 & 5 years old) are fighting for their lives in critical condition. The other two boys (11 & 13) hid upstairs and were unharmed. The daughter also worked at the dealership and George just saw her in October. It's a very sad circumstance and it was by someone they knew who had come to their oldest son's birthday party. The man that committed these vicious acts was shot by police at the scene and he was known to have a history of mental illness and recently lost his wife to cancer and lost custody of his son. When I hear stories like this it makes me sad that desperation and despair were the catalyst that tipped the scales for this already mentally ill man, but it makes me the saddest to hear that innocent lives will forever be change by this event. As hard as I search, pray, and try to understand, I will never understand why God allows innocent people to suffer on this earth. It will likely be a mystery to me until I can ask this question one day in person. Until then, I will continue to search for answers and pray for wisdom.

Ashley is going to Mexico in 2009

George and I have been encouraging Ashley to do some different things with her life and she finally followed through. She attending a meeting on a mission trip to Mexico, that will take place in June of 2009, and was completely excited about it. She turned in her application, background check, and her first deposit to hold her spot. She will be gone for a week and I've been praying that this trip will be transforming for her, as well as for the people she will be helping in Mexico. She will be sending out support letters sometime after the first of the year and we ask that all our friends and family will cover her in prayer. Please pray as you are directed, but also for the following:

First and Foremost that God will be Glorified through Ashley.
Secondly, that the children and the people she meets in Mexico will come to know and love Jesus.
That Ashley will go with a open and humble spirit so that she may hear the Holy Spirit.
That Ashley will be connected to others that can use her gifts.
That Ashley will see the bigger picture of this world and how she can be used for God's Kingdom.
That Ashley will go with a Servant's Heart and be impacted and transformed by helping others.
That Ashley will be protected both physically and spiritually while she is on this journey.
Last but not least, that Ashley will keep her feet pointed in the right direction.

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...

Every year, George and I go to Eby Pines and cut down our Christmas Tree. This tradition is especially sentimental because that is how George asked me to marry him! This year the cold/flu bug came to our house and interrupted our plans. Although the chain of tradition was temporarily interrupted, George brought home the most beautiful tree we've ever had. Ashley reminded me that I say that every year, but I really do think it is the most beautiful tree. It's perfect!

Thanksgiving 2008

This year we changed up the norm and made a different plan. We decided to spend it with some friends and then have George's parents and our family (Ashley, Ava, George, and I) together in the evening for a meal and games. Ava put a wrench in the plan with a pretty bad cold that started on Wednesday night. I stayed home with Ava and George brought me a delicious plate from Lori and Larry's. We still went forward with our evening plans and had a good meal, good company and played a few games. Overall, it was relaxing and enjoyable. We took Ava to the Doctor on Friday and the prescription was "time" with lots of fluids and lots of rest.

Abby likes the Bumbo Seat Too!!

We had a scare before Thanksgiving with our fourteen year old cat Abby. We took her to the Vet and she is currently on medication and doing well. If she continues to do well and her symptoms clear up, she will be out of the woods. So far..So good. Abby loves Ava's Bumbo seat as seen in the above photo.

New feats and perspective's for Ava

Ava is doing something new almost daily now. It's like she wakes up and tries something new and George and I look at each other and say how did she know how to do that??!!! She is now sitting up, sucking on her toes, making lots of vocal sounds. She hasn't figured out VOLUME control yet. She is completely and totally mesmerized by our cat Opal. She now knows her name and will respond when you say her name. She would make a good farmer-early to bed..early to rise!! She loves her new walker because she can move around the house and get close to the cats. Unfortunately for me, she also likes to watch football with George. Maybe it's just a phase. She loves her sister and smiles when she comes home from work. I love how her little personality is developing and how much fun she is to be around.