Friday, February 13, 2009

Media Mania!

Just recently I have been reflecting about all the ways we give and get information through technology. We have a tremendous ability to reach alot of people via Facebook, Blogs, E-mail, Instant Messaging, Texting, Twitter, Cell phones, Home phones (almost obsolete), Letter, Cards, Voice-mail, Answering machines (almost obsolete), On-line chat rooms and blogs, Webcams, Webcasts, websites, Youtube virial Videos, etc., etc., Wow... with all this technology I feel I talk with more people than I ever have, but connect less. It takes time with people face to face in order to nurture something deeper than "Hey, having a latte, works crazy-busy, kids are great, catch up soon." Don't get me wrong, I Love all the techie ways that people can keep in touch, but nothing compares to spending time with people. It is nourishment for the soul to spend time with a friend, family member, spouse, children. So, although I won't stop using all this mass media at my disposal, I will be choosing more wisely about how much time I spend on facebook (swallows hours of time) and other media avenues and allocate that to "facetime." (get it? facebook to facetime)