Thursday, June 25, 2009

Indianapolis Extended Weekend!

Many of you know that George and I are trying to have another baby and we were scheduled for our embryo transfer on Saturday morning in Indy. We had some good friends go down with us on Friday so that we could relax and enjoy ourselves, and then they were going to watch Ava for us on Saturday morning while George and I were at the clinic. First WRENCH IN the works! Saturday morning we received a call from the lab and they were going to push the transfer to Monday a.m. I had already thrown out my med's so we were praying that the clinic had enough for me to take until Monday. The other concern was what we would do with Ava. The nurse assured me that they would commodate us and not to worry. The upside was that I was able to join my family and the Curtis' on a trip to the Indy Zoo. Great Zoo with lots of good exhibits and fun stuff for the kiddo's. George, Ava and I stayed at the hotel through the rest of the weekend. Second WRENCH IN the works! Saturday night we were awakened by a raging drunk next door to us who started trying to kick in our connecting door and screaming at his girlfriend and tearing up his room. Long story short...five cops showed up, we were in the lobby for over an hour, they ended up moving him to another room (not sure why they didn't arrest him) and then Ava cried until almost 5:oo am. We had reservations at a French bistro for Father's Day breakfast but ended up sleeping through it. The upside was that had my transfer occurred on Saturday a.m. like planned, we would have had a disturbing night, which for an embryo transfer, it is important for the first 72 hours to be relatively stress free. Also George, Ava, and I were able to spend Father's Day outside at Clay Terrace Shopping center and had a pretty relaxing day after all the drama from the night before. Monday morning was the BIG DAY. We all arrived early and the nurses were very helpful and accommodating with Ava. They brought her in her own scrubs and she was able to be in there while the procedure was being done. Third WRENCH was that on Saturday we still had 10 embryo's but by Monday morning only two of them made it. At first we were kinda shocked but again the upside was that the two we had were excellent quality!!! The Doctor was very positive and we know that God works in mysterious ways and although we sometimes don't understand, he has a plan for everything and everyone. We are so very grateful for this opportunity and so humbled by how God cares for us and takes care of things even in the midst of our own misunderstanding. Now we are just praying for a positive result!