Wednesday, December 2, 2009

O'Christmas Tree!

We went to our traditional place, Eby Pines, and cut our Christmas tree down the day after Thanksgiving. We always get a Frasier Fir and we were excited to see how Ava would react to this family outing. She was glad to be outside but she was more excited about her new boots Or "boops" as she calls them. She kept looking at her boots and loves walking around in them. However, after we got the tree home and it's now decorated with lights and ornaments, she is crazy excited about the tree! The first thing she wants to do every morning is for me to plug in the tree lights. She just sits in front of it and giggles! She wants to show everyone the tree as soon as they come in the door and she never seems to get tired of this routine. It's wonderful to be able to witness the awe in a child's face and eyes as they light up with enthusiasm over the beauty of a Christmas tree.