Monday, May 24, 2010

Ava's Birthday at the Zoo

Ava's Birthday fell on a Thursday this year so George took off work and we planned a day with just Ava. Our original plan was to go to the Ft. Wayne Zoo but the weather was chilly and rainy so we stayed close to home and went to the Potawatomi Zoo in South Bend. It turned out to be a perfect day because the rain cleared while we were there, and since we were the only ones at the zoo, Ava could run around and we didn't have to worry about crowds, etc. The exhibit that was the most interesting was the Lions and Tigers. They were very active and came right up to the cages. The Lions were roaring and now I know why they call them the King of the jungle. After the zoo we took her out to lunch and had the wait staff sing Happy Birthday to her.