Monday, August 23, 2010

Update on the Twins

July 11th marked the first time for cereal for the twins and Jovi rolled over. Finn waited until July 16th to roll over but then outdid himself by doing it over and over again. They are now both rolling Everywhere and frequently get themselves across the room within minutes. They are both showing signs of wanting to crawl and Finn has some red knees from trying to scoot himself to get into things he shouldn't reach yet. They are now spending time in their walkers and in their exer-saucer. Jovi loves all her veggies and fruit and Finn has proven to be somewhat of a picky eater. He may have a tough time in this household since our motto is... you eat what is served. The twins adore Ava and they are frequently entertained by her antics. Jovi and Finn now notice each other and reach out for each other and hold hands. It is SO ADORABLE! I need to get it on video. Our house is busy but blessed!