Thursday, March 20, 2008

Corned Beef and Easter Eggs and Birthday's

As many of you know, I enjoy celebrating all the Holidays on the calendar (Hallmark or otherwise) and I love birthday's as well. Last week and this week we were showered with All. I didn't decorate my house this year because I didn't know whether to put up St. Patty's day decorations or Easter decorations. I guess I could have decorated with green eggs, but then it could be confused with Dr. Seuss (Green eggs and ham). So..I combined a few holiday activities. Last Wednesday, March 12th I started a corned beef roast with potatoe's and carrot's in my slow roaster to have for dinner to celebrate George's Dad's birthday and for St. Patty's day. However, for lunch on March 12th, I put a blanket on the floor and spring nature sound's in my CD and had a picnic lunch with Melisa,Lily, Terri, Sophia, and Cooper. Afterwards, it was great fun to watch Lily and Sophie color easter eggs together. I enjoyed watching their excited faces as the eggs transformed into beautiful spring colors. It was a truly memorable day for me to celebrate some fun Easter and St.Patty's Day traditions, Birthdays, and especially spending time with people that are so close to my heart. Happy Birthday to Larry Best (March 12th), Happy Birthday to Jakin (2 yrs) Stewart and George Schmidt Sr. (March 14th) and Happy Birthday to Stanley Edward Curtis III, a.k.a. Cooper Curtis (March 21st)