Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ava Arrived May 13th

After seven days in the hospital and 20 hours of labor, Ava arrived into this world with a cry and a shout! We are completely thankful and amazed at how God's work was evident throughout this process. Each day in the hospital, the Dr's would be surprised that I had not gone into labor yet, even though my water had broke. My body was continuing to make Amniotic fluid and the fetal stress tests came back excellent each day I was tested. The Dr even agreed that science only goes so far. We felt our prayers were answered by Ava remaining in my womb for one more week. We know we had alot of people praying for us and George and I were spending many private moments in prayer. Each day she remained inside was two days she would not have to spend in the intensive care unit. As it was, they finally decided to induce my labor and prepared us for worst case scenerio's. They said it was likely that her lungs would not be developed and assistance in breathing would probably be needed. However, although she was born six weeks early and had to remain in the NICU unit for two weeks, her lungs were fine and no additional medical treatment was needed. She is now home with us and we are SO HAPPY to have her home in our arms. She is so beautiful and precious!! She will be a four weeks old on Tuesday, June 10th. George and I are completely exhausted with her sleep/eat cycles but wouldn't trade it for the world!!!