Monday, June 16, 2008

TOP TEN Signs you may be exhausted or have a newborn

1. Your husband looks at you and says when the baby gets a little older, let's get a sitter and get away for a night in a hotel room and have the S..... word. Most people are thinking we mean sex. George actually said SLEEP. I actually AGREED.
2. You are too tired to find a coaster for your drink and you pull out your breast pad and use it. Hey...It's round and absorbant, so it does double duty.
3. You garble two words or sentences together because your tired and your tired spouse actually understands what you just tried to say.
4. Daily showering becomes optional
5. You go to pick up chinese take-out and fall asleep waiting the "10 minute" turn around time.
6. Hands pick sleep over food
7. You are attempting to make formula and you've lost count of how many scoops you just added and have to start over again, and again, and again. Yes this really happened. Note: I was only counting to six!!
8. You are driving and not sure how you got to your destination because you zoned out while driving. SCARY but true
9. Someone is talking to you but you just cannot focus on what they just said. I call it brain fog or brog for shorthand.
10. You laugh hysterically at things that normally would make you cry.