Monday, November 17, 2008

Third Year and still inspired!

Every year for the last three years, George and I find a single Mother and her children to adopt for Christmas. Every year we are inspired by the love and perserverance of these Mother's when they are faced with providing for their families. It gives George and I great joy to help in their circumstances as I was once a single Mother myself, raising a daughter without a father or financial support. I've had people help me along the way, and God put people in my pathway to give me direction, love and support. This year we adopted a single Mother with a newborn baby that has mental and physical challenges that lay ahead. We were able to meet with her and her beautiful baby girl on Sunday and what a joy it was to see this tiny baby. I hope that our help will have lifted some of her burdens and we hope to continue to see her and her baby in the coming months. Please take a moment to join George and I in our prayers for this baby's upcoming surgery and challenges!!!