Monday, November 10, 2008

What's new for Ava

I keep forgetting to let people know what "Little Ava" is now doing. She has progressed to three meals a day of baby food and eight bottles. She is now turning over from back to stomach, and close to turning from stomach to back. She can somehow find her way across the room when I leave the room for just a couple of minutes. She is Mobile!! She loves to stand up on my lap and look around at all the things in each room and she loves to look outside. She has just started to use an activity saucer and she and the cats have begun to size one another up. Opal tried to rub her head against Ava and Ava grabbed for the fur. Yikes! She will be Six months old on Thursday and she is growing up SO FAST! George and I look back at video's and pictures of her when she was born and we can't believe how the time has gone. More updates later.