Friday, March 13, 2009

Filet of Finger

Yesterday in a sleepy haze, I attempted to open a can of cat food for our cat Opal. I popped the lid open with one swift movement, and also sliced my thumb on my right hand. Needless to say there was blood everywhere and George had to get Ava away from my dripping blood and then get me an icepack and some towels. My family doctor was not available until the afternoon and I was dreading the thought of sitting in the ER. I called a friend of ours who is a Doctor and asked if he would look at it to see if I needed stitches. Yes, I needed stitches, and in fact, received 6 0r 7. The wound was deep and my thumb throbbed ALL day long. You don't realize how important the thumb is until you cannot use it. It was amazing to me how many things I could not do with a bum thumb and I needed help with caring for Ava. George's Mom came over to help with Ava and freed me up to rest and ice my swollen appendage. Today has been a better day and I was able to take care of most things. A BIG THANK YOU to Larry who took care of my wound and stitched me up. A thank you to Carol who cared for Ava all day long and a loving thank you to my husband who bathed me, washed and dryed my hair for me (I really enjoyed it).