Sunday, October 12, 2008

Indian Summer at the Pumpkin Patch

What a Gorgeous Weekend!!! Today we decide to take Ava to the pumpkin place on Douglas Rd. and take some pictures and pick up our pumpkins. Ava fell asleep on the way over there and so she is pretty somber in the pictures, but we were thankful that she wasn't crying. She is so happy during the day that we thought we picked a good time to go. We left there and ran a few other errands and ended up at Granite City Brew Pub and ate lunch on the outdoor patio. The food was good and Ava then showed everyone her smiles and laughter. Wish we could have captured that on film. I say that a lot. She gives us these precious little moments of fun and glimpes of her sweet personalty and we rarely get to capture that moment on film or video. It's like those moments are just for George and I to cherish!! The colors of the trees and the reflecting sunshine made today the perfect day of fall!!!