Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Family Fun

George and I took Ava to pick pumpkins a couple of weeks ago from a farm off of Douglas road in Mishawaka. We have been there the last couple years to get our fall decorating supplies but knew this year would be a lot of fun with Ava. Every year seems to get better. They have the most diverse colors, sizes, and types of pumpkins and gourds I've ever seen. They also have mums, Indian corn, corn stalks, and hay bales for sale. They have everything decorated in a fall theme and have several places set up for family photo opportunities. They also have a corn maze, an antique tractor for kids/adults to get on, wagons to gather your pumpkins/kids and a they added ponies and pygmy goats this year.

Needless to say it is a smorgasbord of fall festivities. Ava was so happy and she loved everything!! We spent a better part of our afternoon there and took lots of photos. Great day for the Schmidt's!