Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ava's first guest sleepover

Ava had Cooper spend the night a couple of weeks ago at our house and it was too cute for words on how well they played together and really showed cooperation in their interaction. Ava was so excited and has talked about it almost everyday since then. There were so many precious moments but two that stand out are as follows: (Remember, Cooper is three and Ava is two)

I was putting Ava's hair up in a ponytail in the morning and she walked over to Cooper and he said,
"Ava! You look at least 3 or 4 and more beautiful than ever" How ADORABLE!!!!!

Cooper and Ava were riding bikes on the back patio and Ava spotted a spider.

Ava: Cooper, there's a spider....get it Cooper.
Cooper: You get it Ava.
Ava: (Takes shoe off to kill it but chickens out) Get it Cooper!
Cooper: (Takes Shoe off to kill spider but is tentative)
Ava: She keeps shouting..."Get it Cooper, Get it"
Cooper: "I'm trying Ava, but I'm a little afraid"

In the end, Cooper killed the spider for Ava. Very courageous of him.