Thursday, September 9, 2010

Twin Update at 7 months

Jovi and Finn will be 7 months on Monday and they are both growing by leaps and bounds and learning new stuff every week. Finn now has two teeth but Jovi is still just gums. Jovi is sitting up very well and plays while Finn is pretty wobbly and falls over. They are both scooting around the living room and could both crawl very soon. Then the fun will begin!! I will need to get some rocket shoes to keep up with all three children. Finn has a smile that is big and wide and lights up the room. Jovi is a little more reserved, but when she smiles with her cute little dimple, it warms my heart. They are both eating lots of baby food and still going through 10 to 12 bottles a day. I will rejoice when we can all sit down at the dinner table together. Jovi and Finn have now "discovered" each other and are happy to see one another. When we sit them down at opposite ends of the room, they roll and scoot to be next to each other. Sooo Cute to watch them in action.