Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Where were you between 8:45 and 10:00 pm on Wed, February 20th? George and I grabbed a thermos of hot chocolate, two chairs, the camera, tripod, and plenty of warm clothes and drove to a street that had very little light in order to watch the lunar eclipse. What a wonderful show it was. I guarantee it was better than anything on the television. Approximately 3 billion people around the world could have witnessed this spectacular event and another chance will not occur until Dec 21st, 2010. These facts are rather staggering and while we were there in the dark, I wondered how many people took the time to see God's majesty in action. I wondered who across this world that I may be sharing this experience with. People from Europe and Africa and Western Asia. All from different walks of life and yet our God brings us together in a common and sublime way. It made me sad to think that George and I don't take advantage of more of natures daily acts of beauty. When was the last time you saw the sunrise or a sunset? Our last time was in September, on top of Warren Dunes. Most of us, including me, take for granted that we have time to see and appreciate those things "another day". Wonder if today is our last day? We all get tied up in the rountine and rut of daily living with schedules, meals, appointments, meetings, cleaning, TV, etc.; These are all things we do to keep life moving. However, I hope I can challenge all that read this and a reminder to George and I, to take time out for the beauty of God's majesty. There is a worship song at church that we sing and one of the lines goes something like this: Undeniable, Indescrible, You put the stars in the sky and you called them by name....You are Amazing God.