Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ashley is going to Mexico in 2009

George and I have been encouraging Ashley to do some different things with her life and she finally followed through. She attending a meeting on a mission trip to Mexico, that will take place in June of 2009, and was completely excited about it. She turned in her application, background check, and her first deposit to hold her spot. She will be gone for a week and I've been praying that this trip will be transforming for her, as well as for the people she will be helping in Mexico. She will be sending out support letters sometime after the first of the year and we ask that all our friends and family will cover her in prayer. Please pray as you are directed, but also for the following:

First and Foremost that God will be Glorified through Ashley.
Secondly, that the children and the people she meets in Mexico will come to know and love Jesus.
That Ashley will go with a open and humble spirit so that she may hear the Holy Spirit.
That Ashley will be connected to others that can use her gifts.
That Ashley will see the bigger picture of this world and how she can be used for God's Kingdom.
That Ashley will go with a Servant's Heart and be impacted and transformed by helping others.
That Ashley will be protected both physically and spiritually while she is on this journey.
Last but not least, that Ashley will keep her feet pointed in the right direction.