Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tips for Family Photos Shoots

Since George and I have learned the hard way in taking family photos without bad moods, sharp tongues, impatience, crying, etc. (I'm talking about the adults) I have put a list of items that may help others to make family pictures more enjoyable....unless you have already learned the hard way.

2. Plan ahead...pick date,time,place, and what everyone will be wearing ahead time to avoid arguements. Example: We are taking our family photos on Saturday here at 11:30 am and we all have something picked out to wear that coordinates with each other.
3. Eat something...Make sure everyone has ate something before the photo shoot. This avoids bad temperments and low blood sugar.
4. Put pets away....unless they are going to be in the picture. Animals tend to want to get in the way or distract little ones from looking at the camera.
5. Have all props thought out ahead of time and gathered before your photo shoot.
6. Get little children ready last and make sure they have a bib on until right before the picture is taken. Invariably, they will spit-up, spill, or soil, their nice new outfit. I recommend a Large plastic bib.
7. If little children are involved....Make sure the photo shoot is early in the day.
As the day goes on, children get tired and restless. Mornings are your friend in this case.
8. Take short breaks. This can help reduce a tense moment during the shoot.
9. Relax and Smile
10. Remember the best laid plans sometimes don't work out. If it's not going well and your not getting the photo's you want...Reschedule for another day and always remember rule number one!!!